Diana Cawley Person-Info 

( Ich bin Diana Cawley)


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Geometry Global brings on board Diana Cawley as APAC CEObrandequity.economictimes.indiatimes.com › news › ge...

Prior to that, she was the global head of retail at Cheil Worldwide, based in Seoul , South Korea. From to 2012, Cawley was managing director of Arc in ...

BBDO-Tochter Proximity mit neuer Führung | MEEDIA

Die BBDO-Tochter Proximity verliert ihre langjährige CEO Sue Nisbet, die in Rente geht. Künftig besteht die Führung aus Diana Cawley, Jonathan Deeb und...

Diana Cawley Archivi - Brand News

Cheil Worldwide ha nominato Diana Cawley head of global retail nel quadro di un piano di rafforzamento e sviluppo del business retail, al fine di sviluppare una ...

Diana Cawley Joins Geometry Global as APAC CEO | LBBOnline

Little Black Book, Cawley was previously Managing Director at BBDO Shanghai
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Diana Cawley
Vorname "Diana" (29478)
Name "Cawley" (92)
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