Diane Jarvi Person-Info 

( Ich bin Diane Jarvi)


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Big Gigs for Nov : Death From Above 1979, Leo Kottke, Daughtry,...

Concert spotlights for the week, also including the MN Orchestra with Eiji Oue, Ike Reilly, Eric Hutchinson, Diane Jarvi and Prairie Fire Lady Choir.

'Minnesota nightingale' Diane Jarvi will perform in Lanesboro - Post...

LANESBORO — Finnish-American singer Diane Jarvi will perform at 7:30 p.m. Friday at the St. Mane Theatre, 206 Parkway Ave. N., Lanesboro.

Dan Newton won't be squeeze-boxed in | Star Tribune

Sep 4, — The band's frequent collaborator Diane Jarvi sings three songs, each in a different language. There's also a fun romp called "El Bodeguero" ... › dan-newton-won-t-be-sq...

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Cokato's Finnish-American and Historical Societies hosted Minnesota born Finnish-American artist Diane Jarvi in the small town of Cokato (less than 3,000) ...
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Vorname "Diane" (6838)
Name "Jarvi" (39)
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