Dirk Fisseler Person-Info 

( Ich bin Dirk Fisseler)


Futsal funktioniert

Ein bisschen Eingewöhnung bedurfte es: anderer Ball, andere Regeln – dann aber ging es rund beim Futsal-Cup des SC Reckenfeld. In die Entscheidung konnten die...

Aurachain and BaXian Group to enhance low-code ...PR Newswire UK

— Dirk Fisseler, CEO of BaXian Group, commented, "As soon as we became aware of the results Aurachain has already delivered at the enterprise ... › a...

Aurachain and BaXian Group to enhance low-code ...openPR.com

— Dirk Fisseler, CEO of BaXian Group, commented, "As soon as we became aware of the results Aurachain has already delivered at the enterprise ... › news
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