Donatella Donatelli Person-Info 

( Ich bin Donatella Donatelli)


(1 - 4 von 9

Donatella Donatelli: Low or High Mach Number limit: what is the...
Donatella Donatelli: TBA. APDEs Seminar. Event; Seminar. Friday, 19th March Time: ; 08: :00 GMT-07:00. Audience: Open to all; Cost: ...

Premio "Marisa Bellisario" a Donatella Donatelli, ricercatrice...
Scienze e web L'Aquila :40 - La dott.ssa Donatella Donatelli, ricercatrice presso il Dipartimento di Matematica Pura ed Applicata...

donatella donatelli | Portrait Awards Entry
Was halten Sie von donatella Beitrag bei den LensCulture Portrait Awards ? Teilen Sie den Beitrag jetzt, um die besten Bilder um die Welt zu schicken!...

A new (mathematical) look into biology - SBG Lab
The original idea is based on the observation that the synergy between mathematics and biomedical sciences has reached nowadays a significant maturity.
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Vorname "Donatella" (371)
Name "Donatelli" (128)
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