Dori Dean Person-Info 

( Ich bin Dori Dean)


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Dori Dean, Holyoke mayor Alex Morse's chief of staff, to resign -...
Dean, who guided Morse's election victory as campaign manager, will step down after less than 3 months on the job.

Dori dean – USA Breaking News
BOSTON (AP) - As they prepared to cast their Electoral College votes for Hillary Clinton, several Massachusetts presidential electors acknowledged frustration ...

Article: Electoral College Members Duped by Russian Hacker Hysteria |...
Article: Electoral College Members Duped by Russian Hacker Hysteria - Misguided electors may set off a big national catastrophe.

Iron Man
· Dori Dean, Morse's Scotch-drinking, Patriots-loving chief of staff, recalls that, before his inauguration, there was plenty of ribbing in ...
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