Doris Merle Person-Info 

( Ich bin Doris Merle)


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Doris Merle Carter - Opera News
Carter Doris Merle Carter “For now, we see a poor reflection as is in a mirror. But then we shall see face to face.” Corinthians 13: 1:12 Doris Merle Carter...

Symes, Doris Merle and Betz, Clifford , (Married) :...
Symes, Doris Merle and Betz, Clifford, (Marriage notice). appeared in Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), 25 Jun 1953, p. 5, column 3. Description. Comments (0).

Symes, Doris Merle and Betz, Clifford , (Engaged) :...
Symes, Doris Merle and Betz, Clifford, (Engagement notice). appeared in Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), 7 May 1953, p. 1, column 3. Description. Comments ...

19 Apr Obituary - Trove
The funeral of Miss Doris Merle White, who died at Mullumbimby during the week-end at the age of 46, took place at Mullumbimby on ...
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