Doug Rubio Person-Info 

( Ich bin Doug Rubio)


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Three classical guitar pieces performed by Doug Rubio | NCPR News
Crane School of Music guitar professor Doug Rubio joined Todd Moe in the NCPR studios January 19, to share some music from Cuba and Brazil, played on his...

NCPR News Topics - doug-rubio | NCPR: North Country Public Radio
People: Guitarist Doug Rubio. Crane School of Music guitarist Doug Rubio joins Todd Moe in the NCPR studios for music from Cuba and Brazil of 1. NCPR is supported by: ...

SUNY Potsdam's Crane School of Music to host Crane Candlelight...
The performance will also feature the Crane West African Drum and Dance Ensemble, guest student soloists and Professor Doug Rubio on ...
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