Dr. Clare Martin Person-Info 

( Ich bin Dr. Clare Martin)


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Nerves of steel put Lady Devils in final

[Ballarat Courier] - Tina Benoit, Delany Martin, Tessa Curtain and Clare Duck each scored for Ballarat in the shoot-out, while goal keeper Chloe Farnsworth pulled off two saves

Whooo's better than wildlife in crisis?

[Westport-News] Sitinas heads up the South Wilton facility and was in attendance with three of seven of his staff doctors -- Diana Chung, Clare Fahy and Louisa Martin.

Deutsche Bank Launches Electronic Currency Options System

[Wall Street Journal] - By CLARE CONNAGHAN And KATIE MARTIN LONDON—Deutsche Bank AG on Wednesday launched an electronic trading system for foreign-exchange options—complex

Collateral Rules Hamper Currency Hedging

[Wall Street Journal] - By CLARE CONNAGHAN And KATIE MARTIN LONDON—Companies are rushing to their banks to take advantage of the lowest currency-hedging rates in years
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