Dr. Wolfram Motz Person-Info 

( Ich bin Dr. Wolfram Motz)


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MBtech at the Hybrid Conference in California

TROY, Mich., Feb. 6 /PRNewswire/ -- The US market's demand for hybrid vehicles has continuously increased in recent years. The US manufacturers are expected to...

Wolfram Motz became new head of MBtech in Czech Rep, Autofox

Wolfram Motz became new head of MBtech in Czech Rep

Wolfram Motz promoted from Czech branch of MBtech to ...www.autofoxnews.com › wolfram-...

Wolfram Motz promoted from Czech branch of MBtech to AKKA Technologies. He will be responsible for more countries including Czech ...

Ceauto Newsletter 18/ International INDEX. Volkswagen creates...

... was appointed COO of MBtech Bohemia s.r.o. last month. This change is in conjunction with the appointment of Dr. Wolfram Motz, previously CEO of MBtech …
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