Edward Armitage Person-Info 

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Guardian: Edward Armitage | SocietyThe Guardian

— Edward Armitage, chairman of Jam (John Armitage Memorial trust), wants to attract classical composers from diverse backgrounds.

Edward Armitage and the Wall Paintings of University Hall.Dr Williams's Library

Edward Armitage and the Wall Paintings of University Hall. Dr Williams Library is the site of an important mural in what was once the dining hall of ...

Retribution by Edward Armitage • Art and Empire in Leeds ...My Learning

Edward Armitage ( ) was a painter known for his representation of historical and biblical subjects. He was born in London as the eldest of seven sons.

Using Visual Sources: Edward Armitage's Retribution (1858) |University of Portsmouth

— [2] The work in question is that of Edward Armitage, student of l'École des Beaux-Arts under historical artist Paul Delaroche, ...
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