Edward Mutesa Person-Info 

( Ich bin Edward Mutesa)


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Guardian: Obituary: Milton Obote | World news | The Guardian

Obituary: The first leader of an independent Uganda, he imposed virtual one-man rule, but was twice overthrown.

Buganda Holds Late King Edward Mutesa Memorial Service :: Uganda...

· The Buganda Kingdom royal family led by Kabaka Ronald Muwenda Mutebi II today held a memorial service for Ssekabaka (late King) Sir Edward ...

The return and burial of Kabaka Mutesa’s remains | Monitor

When it was announced that the body of late King Edward Mutesa II would be returned, the news was received with mixed reaction among the Baganda

The death of the Kabaka of Buganda - Witness History - BBCwww.bbc.co.uk › Programmes › Witness History

In November the first President of Uganda, Edward Mutesa, died in exile in London. He had been forced to flee his homeland by Milton Obote. He died in a ...
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Edward Mutesa
Milton Obote
Vorname "Edward" (6873)
Name "Mutesa" (1)
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