Ehsan Shah Hosseini Person-Info 

( Ich bin Ehsan Shah Hosseini)


AMLD EPFL Ehsan Hosseini
› speakers

Nanoantenas criam pixel inteligente para TVs 3D holográficas
Eu acredito que as telas holográficas 3D não só são possíveis agora, como também [acredito] que agora elas estão ao nosso alcance.

Chips that can steer light with nanophotonic arrays - Nanowerk
— ... Sun's fellow graduate students Erman Timurdogan and Ami Yaacobi, and Ehsan Shah Hosseini, an RLE postdoc — report on two new chips. › news2

The sweet taste of Eid - The National
Many and wonderful are the varieties of confectionery that appear for Eid Al Fitr.
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