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NewsFullView-OsteuroGeschichte | Universität Tübingenuni-tuebingen.de › seminareinstitute › startseite › article

Mai von Marcus Köhler, Ekaterina Dmitrieva, Boris Sokolov, Katharina Kucher, Aleksandra Veselova, Margrethe Floryan, Andreas ...

Russian government to 'slaughter stray dogs en masse' ahead of World...

The Russian government is preparing to slaughter hundreds of stray dogs ahead of this summer's World Cup, say animal rights activists.  Ekaterina Dmitrieva,...

ekaterina dmitrieva | Libero 24x7

Irina Dmitrieva, presidente del consiglio di amministrazione dell'associazione russa per la fibrosi ... Ekaterina Dmitrievaa, direttore di BF 'Selo' 59. Yana...

Russia plans to slaughter hundreds of stray dogs before the World Cup...

RUSSIA is planning a mass slaughter of stray dogs ahead of the this year’s World Cup despite assurances this will not happen, claim animal rights campaigners.
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