Elaine Jury Person-Info 

( Ich bin Elaine Jury)


(1 - 4 von 13

KFC plans for historic pub ruffle residents' feathers - Surrey Live

OUTRAGED neighbours of a historic pub in Ewell are not licking their lips at the prospect of the site being redeveloped as a KFC restaurant.

Elaine jury to discuss verdict | Glasgow Times

Judge Lord Stewart is expected to ask the eight women and seven men to begin considering their verdict after hearing 50 days of evidence and…

Almost 400 residents object to new KFC on site of Organ and Dragon in...

Nearly 400 residents have formally objected to plans to turn a historic pub into a fast-food takeaway but must now wait until December to find out…

Divorces, granted, Feb. 20

Edward Michael Jury from Susan Elaine Jury: of Shrewsbury and Hanover. Maria D. Pineda from Daniel Pineda Lamboy: both of York.
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