Elena Babkina Person-Info 

( Ich bin Elena Babkina)


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Our students won the prestigious L'Oréal contest in Barcelona –...

Our students won the prestigious l'oréal contest in barcelona - news from British Higher School of Art & Design

Detail - DHI Moskau

Jurij Tichonov (Lipeck): „Sowjetisch-deutsche Rivalität in Afghanistan “. Elena Babkina (Doneck): „Die sowjetische wissenschaftliche Intelligenz ...

Sopron Basket

The team is led by Latvian star Elena Babkina. On the list of non-Polish players we can find Croatian national team member Antonija Sandric, ...

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The New Year did not break the momentum of the top teams in the current EuroLeague Women season as Fenerbahce remained undefeated, while Galatasaray and Ros
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