Elena Bulanova Person-Info 

( Ich bin Elena Bulanova)


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Rosmorport appoints Elena Bulanova as Director of its Vanino ...en.portnews.ru › news

· Previous positions of Elena Bulanova - Acting Director of Rosmorport's Vanino Branch without removal from her position of chief accountant of ...

IndyWatch Feed World

said Elena Bulanova, 3D Bioprinting Solutions Laboratory Head On the surface it looks like the law of supply and demand has broken, when in reality, ...

Russian 3D-bioprinted thyroid gland implant proves functional in mice...

A Moscow laboratory has conducted the first successful organ translation using a unique Russian 3D-printing technology. The breakthrough could potentially help...

Plagiate von Professoren: Ergebenheit macht Diebe - Inland - FAZ

Professoren, die ihre Mitarbeiter bestehlen, Texte von ihnen unter eigenem Namen veröffentlichen oder Ghostwriter beschäftigen, müssen...
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