Ellen Baum Person-Info 

( Ich bin Ellen Baum)


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Guardian: How Bolivia's ruthless tin baron saved thousands of Jewish refugeeswww.theguardian.com › world › aug › bolivia-tin-b...

· One of the children that Moritz Hochschild saved from the Nazis was Ellen Baum de Hess, now 94. “He was a true hero,” she told me over the ...

Songbag concert to feature Mike and Ellen Baum | WGIL FM ...www.wgil.com › event › songbag-concert-to-feature...

The “Songbag” concert series at the Carl Sandburg State Historic Site showcases the singer-songwriter team of Mike and Ellen Baum on Nov. 26.

Tierheim Garmisch-Partenkirchen - Tierschutzverein - Katzenpensiontierheim-garmisch.de › presse

Anwesend waren auch die Leiterin des Veterinäramts, Frau Dr. Ellen Baum und die Juristin des Deutschen Tierschutzbundes e.V., Frau Evelyn Ofensberger.

A bill would include a Penobscot tribal member on the Baxter State ...www.wbur.org › news › › maine-bill-in...

· ... interfere with the operations of Baxter State Park would set a terrible precedent," said Friends of Baxter State Park member Ellen Baum.
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