Ellie Both Person-Info 

( Ich bin Ellie Both)


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News from Alexis

[Aledo Times Record] - United fifth-grade students Claire Wynne and Ellie Cheline were named winners of the NSDAR annual essay contest. Both girls were honored during an awards

Google News: 'Robber' Macomber shuts out Simsbury, Bullitt shoots winner as girls Wave ...

[Darien Times] - The game both began and ended with Simsbury attacking in waves. But only one bid from either side mattered in the end. That was Ellie Bullitt's.

Epic play makes solid landing on Karamu stage

[Cleveland Jewish News] - The production shifts into high gear with the entrance of Anthony Elfonzia Nickerson-El as Jack Jefferson and the excellent Jewish actress Ursula Cataan as

Harry Styles at Taylor Swift O2 concert: Joined backstage at show...

Is there anyone the blonde beauty isn't friends with?
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