Else Bitter Person-Info 

( Ich bin Else Bitter)


(1 - 4 von 7

Isn't it great for Mayo to be in Croker again?

[Mayo News] - Mayo have been in so many senior finals in the past few years that some people have actually become blasé about the big day, or else bitter about the

Guardian: David James: Records are so much more than just numbers | Sport | The...

David James: I was gutted when Brad Friedel took my consecutive appearances record at the end of last season

Did this woman really scale all 14 of the world's tallest peaks? |...

Korean claims mountaineering record – but her rivals say she missed one out

Anyone else bitter that Kylie Jenner and khloe kardashian are...

Anyone else bitter that Kylie Jenner and khloe kardashian are pregnant? Not going to lie the only thing I’m bitter about is not having money like them to be a…
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