Emily Schaffer Person-Info 

( Ich bin Emily Schaffer)


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Emily Schaffer, PA | Physician Assistant in Long Grove, ILhealth.usnews.com › Physician Assistants

What are Emily Schaffer's areas of care? A physician assistant works under the supervision of a medical doctor, providing support and care to patients in ...

Cardinals put it all together in 3-0 winsaintmaryssports.com › news › womens-soccer-cardi...

· GOAL by SMU Jordyn Matthews (FIRST GOAL), Assist by Emily Schaffer and Nicole Thompson, goal number 3 for season.

Man bites off another man’s ear in heated argument over Trump

Police spokeswoman Emily Schaffer says she isn't able to say whether the victim supported Trump or opposed him. The victim's ear was ...

Police chase prompts school lockdowns | Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Several Pittsburgh Public Schools were on lockdown after one car crashes on the North Shore and another leads police chase into Overbrook.
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