Enes Handzic Person-Info 

( Ich bin Enes Handzic)


Bosnia, 8 anni a un ex ufficiale musulmano - Blitz quotidiano -...

SARAJEVO I giudici del tribunale per i crimini di guerra di Sarajevo hanno condannato oggi a 8 anni di carcere l'ex ufficiale musulmano Enes Handzic,...

Bosnian Muslim Sentenced For War Crimes Against Croats

The Bosnian war crimes court said Enes Handzic, 51, was found guilty of the offenses committed in the central Bosnian town of Bugojno ...

Srpska Republika News Agency (SRNA),

The meeting was attended also by the county minister of internal affairs Enes Handzic, his deputy Fabijan Trbara, high officials of the federal ...

Bugojno - News, Analysis and Opinion :: Justice Report

The latest news, analysis and opinion about war crime trials and issues related to Bugojno, Bosnia and Herzegovina
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