Enrique González Ruiz Person-Info 

( Ich bin Enrique González Ruiz)


El Universal - Nación - "Guerra sucia". Ejército la ordenó

Informe Comverdad revela

Mexico Questions Ex-Domestic Spy Chief - Los Angeles Times

Prosecutors called Mexico's former domestic spy chief in for questioning Thursday over allegations that he tortured detainees during a government campaign...

El Universal - DF - Interrumpen despedida de rector de la UACM

“Exigimos la reinstalación inmediata del profesor y luchador social José Enrique González Ruiz. ¡Alto a la difamación!” se leía en una de las ...

Mexico: Stop Helms-Burton

Hundreds of Mexican academics and social leaders demand from the government to exact the US to stop implementing its anti-Cuban laws, in a letter they have...
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Person "Ruiz" (3)
Vorname "González" (81)
Name "Ruiz" (13450)
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