Erín Moure Person-Info 

( Ich bin Erín Moure)


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Erín Moure’s Bio | Atwater Library and Computer Centre
Montreal poet Erín Moure has published seventeen books of poetry plus a volume of essays, My Beloved Wager. She is also a translator from French, Spanish, ...

Hiromi Itō & Erín Moure - The Poetry Project
Hiromi Itō & Erín Moure. Event Details: Wednesday, May 28, 2014, 8:00 pm - 8:00 pm. Hiromi Itō, born in in Tokyo, is one of the most important and highly ...

S A L O N - SUNDAY with Erín Moure and So Mayer — S A L O N - LONDON
Join us and moderator So Mayer to speak with Erín Moure about Paraguayan Sea by Wilson Bueno (her most recent translation) and Planetary ...
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Erín Moure
Uljana Wolf
Vorname "Erín" (1)
Name "Moure" (29)
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