Eric Linus Randolf Person-Info 

( Ich bin Eric Linus Randolf)


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C::f"'"',,.,,. ';)14&(fe ~e - Cimarron Public Schools
Tyrel Gla er, Scott Cooper, Terry Gamble, Crystal Medeiros, Eric Randolf, Jessica Holland, Amber Winterbank. Th1s page spon ored by. Ames Glass. › vnews › stories

11-year-old boy dies after shooting at sleepover | AP News
GRAND JUNCTION, Colo. (AP) — A 41-year-old Grand Junction man has been accused of fatally shooting an 11-year-old boy. The Daily Sentinel reports (http:// ) that Caden Eric Randolf died Saturday night after he was shot while at a sleepover at a neighbor's house. The newspaper ...

Police: Man Accused Of Shooting Boy Had Been Drinking – CBS Denver
Police say a Grand Junction man accused of shooting a boy at a sleepover had been drinking and was handling several guns near children.

Police: Man accused of shooting boy had been drinking | AP News
... that 41-year-old Jeremy Mushrush is being held in connection with the shooting death of 11-year-old Caden Eric Randolf on Saturday.
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Eric Linus Randolf
Vorname "Linus" (2009)
Name "Randolf" (56)
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