Eric Wilder Person-Info 

( Ich bin Eric Wilder)


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Wigwam Project Underway
[Litchfield County Times] - "We will be reading "The Courage of Sarah Noble," by Alice Dalgliesh, "The Little House," series by Laura Ingalls Wilder and "Diary of an Early American Boy

Pomo grieve loss of ocean fishing grounds
The state's new marine protection zones that go into effect today close a seven mile stretch of coastline at Stewarts Point to fishing and other uses. The...

National Police Awards recognizes the Coastal Executive Unit - The...
The National Police Awards is hosted every year to recognize outstanding police officers and community members across the country.

Tribal Leaders Mark MLPA Closure of Sacred Site with Historic...
“It is ironic that some of the people for responsible for the destruction of ocean resources are the ones that are now telling us that we need to be stewards,...
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