Esraa Ali Person-Info 

( Ich bin Esraa Ali)


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Die Frankfurter Schneiderwerkstatt Stitch by Stitch KfW Stories
web28 Apr · Sieben sind noch in der Lehre, drei haben inzwischen den Gesellinnenbrief, auch Esraa Ali, die mit ihrer Familie aus Damaskus geflohen war und im Alter von 20 …

Erfolgsgeschichte aus dem Integrationscamp der hessischen Wirtschaft
Stolz zeigen die Syrerin Esraa Ali und Mansoureh Kazemi aus Afghanistan modische Kleidungsstücke. Sie haben sie entworfen und genäht. Im Integrationscamp der...

The Frankfurt-based tailor workshop Stitch by Stitch switches to the...
Seven of them are still apprentices, and three have since completed their apprenticeship, including Esraa Ali, who had fled Damascus with her family and joined Stitch by Stitch in at the age of 20. Read more under the image gallery. - The fashionable masks are sometimes creatively embroidered.

#10: MLDublin meets Huawei @ TCD Innovation Centre | Ml...
Our first meetup of was hosted at the amazing space of TCD Innovation Centre sponsored to Huawei Ireland Research Center. Speaking we had: Andy Way,...
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