Fadil Muhic Person-Info 

( Ich bin Fadil Muhic)


Among the Ruins, Bosnia Digs Itself Out of the Long ...AP News

— ``During the war, people ran out to make repairs and restock their pantries whenever the guns paused,″ Deputy Mayor Fadil Muhic said.

Bosnia starts to dig itself out: Amid ruins, people begin rebuilding...

— whenever the guns paused, Deputy Mayor Fadil Muhic said. No one is wasting. any time now in getting back to work. › story › news ›

Battered Bosnian Companies Try to Put Local Economy Back on Rails |...

— ``People thought it was enough for the war to stop, then the international community would come with bags of money,″ said Fadil Muhic, ... › ...
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Nijaz Karamovic
Vorname "Fadil" (373)
Name "Muhic" (87)
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