Fairy Tales Person-Info 

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Spiegel.de: Fairy Tales of the Apocalypse: Hayao Miyazaki's Prophetic Whimsy -...

Japanese popular culture has always seemed strange to the West: hysterical, garish and manic. Now the culture of artificiality is proving to be a grim...

Spiegel.de: 200th Anniversary: The Cultural Legacy of Grimms Fairy Tales - DER...

Exactly 200 years ago, the Grimm brothers published the first edition of their fairy tales. Many of the originals were brutal and there was no lack of blood,...

Fairy tale origins thousands of years old, researchers say - BBC Newswww.bbc.com › news

· Fairy tales like Beauty and the Beast can be traced back thousands of years, according to researchers at universities in Durham and Lisbon.

Alles zum Thema X Factor | VOX.de

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Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Fairy Tales
Vorname "Fairy" (38)
Name "Tales" (41)
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