Farah Durrani Person-Info 

( Ich bin Farah Durrani)


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DR. ABRAR AHMED - Times of India

In grief: Dr. Farhat Durrani, Dr. Farhan & Dr. Farhana Durrani,Dr. Salman, & Dr. Farah Durrani, Dr. Parvez & Dr. Farah Islam,Dr. Sehr Durrani, ...

Did Benazir graduate from Oxford? - DAWN.COM

Farah Durrani's film was composed of clips from her interviews with Ms Bhutto, interspersed with still photos and images culled from newsreels ...

Guardian: BBC's Stourton leaves to join indies | Television industry | The...

Fiona Stourton, executive producer of award-winning current affairs documentaries including Children of Beslan, is quitting the BBC for the independent sector....

Die römische Kirche vor dem 3. Jahrtausend. Vierteilige Reihe von Farah Durrani. 45 min Uhr ORB Wer den Wind sät Gerichtsdrama.
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