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Woman wins £5m compensation after scan links her brain damage to...

A woman has won more than £5 million in compensation from the NHS after her solicitor uncovered the link between the brain damage she suffered at birth and her

Science: Can we stop anti-social behaviour?

One of the Telegraph's Christmas charities is conducting pioneering research into the causes of anti-social behaviour, reveals Roger Highfield.

Prof Faraneh Vargha-Khadem - What makes us human - Scientific and...

The explosion of research in neuroscience and the advent of brain imaging have opened up the age old debate about the relationship between the brain, the mind

Die Eigenreparatur eines Nervennetzes - WELT

Durch Lernen organisiert das kranke Gehirn sich neu
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Faraneh Vargha
Barbara Fabinski
Vorname "Faraneh" (4)
Name "Vargha" (9)
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