Fareed Majari Person-Info 

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Taz: Medienkunstfestival Transmediale: Müllkunst aus Ramallah - taz.de

Kunstwerke aus Abfall: Künstler aus Palästina und Deutschland haben die Müllhalden im Westjordanland und Gaza untersucht.

Short films elicit a huge reaction

Seven short films made by teenage Palestinian girls have sparked outrage, applause and discussions about often overlooked social issues in their society


... were Tanya and Jürgen Kipar, VP Mercedes Benz Southern California, Justinian Jampol, Director of the Wende Museum, Fareed Majari , director of the Goethe Institute, Wolfram Doelker, Presidemt of GABA, Basil Hoffman, actor of 'The Artist,' and Ellen Neu, President of the German-American League.
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Fareed Majari
Vorname "Fareed" (80)
Name "Majari" (3)
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