Fareed Zakira Person-Info 

( Ich bin Fareed Zakira)


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US-Präsidentschaftswahl 2008

Umfassende Live-Übertragung auf CNN International vom 4. auf den 5. November ...

Why our bomb may be unsafe

The weapon of choice for al Qaeda to avoid ‘regime-change’ will be the nuclear weapons of Pakistan.

No news is bad news | The Trinidad Guardian Newspaper

Today marks the printing of my twenty-sixth column, just shy of half a year’s spent writing for the T&T Guardian. I was recently treated to lunch by a...

Mugabe: 'I can't vote for Zanu-PF' in Zimbabwe election

Journalist Columbus S. Mavhunga reported from Harare, CNN's Sheena McKenzie wrote in London. Columbus S. CNN's Fareed Zakira, Anna ...
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Vorname "Fareed" (80)
Name "Zakira" (1)
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