Farid Ait Person-Info 

( Ich bin Farid Ait)


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And the best league in the world is in... Algeria?! - CNN

We have tried to find an explanation but we just haven't got one," Le Buteur journalist Farid Ait Saada told CNN. "It's not normal that there's only ...

Oakland hero who aided fellow carrier wounded by gunfire honored

OAKLAND, CA — Oakland letter carrier Farid Ait Djebarra will be honored for his heroic actions when he rushed to the aid of fellow city carrier ...

Whitby boy helps reunite kids with their families | DurhamRegion.com

WHITBY -- When Karen Monaghan’s five-year-old son asked her what book she was reading, she never imagined how far her answer would take him It was...

Les personnages captivants d'un écrivain - La Dépêche de Kabylie

... renonce, et qui s'échappe encore dès qu'on le tient", peut-on lire dans ce roman sublime qu'est Aurore. C'est dire que Jean-Paul Enthoven a un plume fluide et profonde. Farid Ait ...
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