Fiona Powell Person-Info 

( Ich bin Fiona Powell)


(1 - 4 von 36

YouTube make-up sensations Pixiwoo pull the crowds at Jarrolds |...
Dozens queued through the afternoon to meet sisters and YouTube make-up vloggers Pixiwoo at the launch of their first book at Jarrolds.

Bristol struck by second alien encounter as UFO is spotted soaring in...
BRISTOL woke up to news of a sensational UFO sightingjust weeks after the return of the terrifying

A mother from bristol has allegedly spotted a UFO in one of her...
A MOTHER has been left baffled after spotting what looks like the shape of a UFO in the sky.

Ghost in a flat cap appears by village destroyed in on Goo-ghoul...
Fiona Powell, from Bristol, spotted the dark figure – who appears to be wearing a 1940s style flat cap — when she was scouring aerial views of the local area on the internet. The mum-of-two said: “I was looking around the Brentry and Pen Park area, as it's near where I work, and went on to look at Filton ...
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