Francesca Leo Person-Info 

( Ich bin Francesca Leo)


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Royal Oak High School Jazz Band to perform at Cliff Bell's
[Royal Oak Daily Tribune] rhythm section of Max Kangas, piano; Joe Willard and Gwen Macphee, electric bass; Scott Ryan and Alex Niemi, drums; and Francesca Leo, guitar and flute.

Francesca Leo: Tendonitis and the Mind-Body Connection
15. Apr · Flutist Francesca Leo shares her story of navigating tendonitis through the demands of music school and about her journey toward advocacy for health in the performing arts.

Universität Düsseldorf: Congratulations Dr. Francesca Leo! - HHU
20. Jan · Congra­tu­la­ti­ons Dr. Fran­ce­sca Leo! Fran­ce­sca Leo suc­cess­ful­ly de­fen­ded her doc­to­ral the­sis en­tit­led “En­do­the­li­al eNOS and red blood cell eNOS in­de­pendent­ly re­gu­la­te blood pres­su­re and nitric oxide me­ta­bo­li­tes” on Ja­nuary 19, She com­ple­ted her doc­to ...

Francesca Leo & Giuseppe Magagnino | Macinate Cantine
Venerdì 6 maggio Venerdì 6 Maggio 21: FRANCESCA LEO voce GIUSEPPE MAGAGNINO pianoforte Il Brasile come denominatore comune, la Bossa Nova come
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