Frank Music Person-Info 

( Ich bin Frank Music)


(1 - 4 von 12

Guardian: New York City's last classical sheet music shop closes its doors...

‘The store was my little stage,’ says Frank Music’s gregarious owner, Heidi Rogers, who has witnessed the shop’s demise as it struggled in the internet age

Final Bows for Frank Music, Midtown Sheet Music Retailer | WQXR...
The cause is all too familiar: a world transformed by the growth of online retail and the slow decline of ...

Party - Midnight Service invites Johannes Albert (Frank Music) -...
Johannes Albert (Frank Music) Fairgold – Kiehl – Jakob Mäder (Midnight Service) Nachdem sich Midnight Service im vergangenen Jahr im Stuttgarter Nachtleben platziert hat, wir.

Frank Music Company in Manhattan Closes Its Doors
Since the 1930s, the Frank Music Company in Manhattan has provided the right notes for generations of musicians, but the long-struggling sheet music business...
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