Fred Oehmichen Person-Info 

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Great Gardening Weekend The Henry Teuscher Award Presented...
MONTREAL, May 25, Great Gardening Weekend The Henry Teuscher Award Presented Posthumously to Francis H. Cabot.

Great Gardening Weekend Isabelle Dupras, winner of the Henry...
MONTREAL, May 24, Great Gardening Weekend Isabelle Dupras, winner of the Henry Teuscher award.

Henry Teuscher Award - Yves Gagnon, a Green and Organic Gardening...
MONTRÉAL, May 26, Henry Teuscher Award - Yves Gagnon, a Green and Organic Gardening Pioneer, Honoured at the Botanical Garden's Great Gardening...

Claude Vallée Receives the Prestigious Henry Teuscher Award at the...
MONTRÉAL, May 22, Claude Vallée Receives the Prestigious Henry Teuscher Award at the Great Gardening Weekend.
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