Gabrielle Zevin Person-Info 

( Ich bin Gabrielle Zevin)


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REVIEWS: 'Young Jane Young,' by Gabrielle Zevin, and 'Midwinter...
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Gabrielle Zevin, author of feminist 'Young Jane Young,' discusses...
D.C. is a complex city. On the one hand, it breathes and eats political scandal. On the other, it's an incredibly nerdy place. Finally, there's a book that...

Guardian: Review: Elsewhere by Gabrielle Zevin | Books | The Guardian

Adèle Geras enjoys Gabrielle Zevin's witty tale of the afterlife, Elsewhere.

Bücher und Autoren heute in den Feuilletons – ansonsten viel ...
Gabrielle Zevin – Lost memory – Mein vergessenes Leben (Bloomsbury) So funktioniert dein Superhirn. Schlauer werden mit Tests, Tricks und Logikrätseln (Dorling Kindersley) Mette Finderup – Love Cuts (Beltz & Gelberg) ...
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Vorname "Gabrielle" (1717)
Name "Zevin" (2)
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