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Gareth Peirce News | Photos | Quotes | Wiki -
Gareth Peirce News from United Press International.

Shamima Begum's law firm overcharged THOUSANDS in legal aid | UK |...
THE boss of the law firm representing Shamima Begum was fined for overcharging thousands in legal aid in a separate case, it has emerged, after the ISIS...

Guardian: Gareth Peirce | The Guardian

Gareth Peirce, the senior partner at Birnberg Peirce and Partners, is Shaker Aamer's solicitor. In 30 years as a lawyer she has represented the Guildford Four ... Missing: Wuppertal" ‎| Must include: Wuppertal"

Shamima Begum hires Gareth Peirce, the human rights lawyer who...
Shamima Begum’s family has hired one of the UK’s top human rights lawyers whose clients have included hate preacher Abu Qatada.
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