Gavin Youngs Person-Info 

( Ich bin Gavin Youngs)


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Musikvideo der Woche | Glass Animals mit “Gooey” – Familienporträt in...
· Das Ende sieht harmlos aus - wie ein Familienporträt in der Sauna. Foto: Screenshot | Director: The Apiary (Lily Coates & Gavin Youngs) | MUZU.TV

Glass raised up for sparkling glory | Oxford Mail
Glass Animals are the next big thing to emerge from Oxford’s fertile music scene. Tim Hughes spoke to the schoolfriends

C41 present a new fashion film for Persol | shots
The Apiary (Lily Coates and Gavin Youngs), who are acclaimed for their conceptual approach to cinema and for a fanatical eye for details on ...

FRANK » Unclouded dances | Frédéric Gies
... Isabelle Schad, Alice Chauchat, Frédéric de Carlo, Odile Seitz, Andrea Keiz, Gavin Youngs and Daniel Jenatsch). They have been one of the ...
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