Gene John Person-Info 

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Google News: Americans in Space: A Dream of the Past?

[Houston Chronicle] - GENE GREEN and JOHN CULBERSON It was a starry summer night some 41 years ago when a small, odd-looking vehicle landed in the Tranquilitatis Basin on the

Come See US First Hand, Najib Tells American Companies
[Bernama] Conoco Phillips President and Chief Executive John A.Carrig, Motorola's President for Enterprise Mobility Solutions Gene Delaney and Intel Corporation

John C. Hale
[Palladium-Item] - Survivors include children, Tiffany Dubois, Kristian Wright, Danielle Hale, Jonathan Hale; father and stepmother, Alberta Hale; mother and stepfather, Gene

Gene John Mann Obituary | Star Tribune
Mann, Gene John age 94 of New Brighton, born February 9, in NE Minneapolis, Minne- sota, passed away on July 24, He is survived by his wife, ...
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