Geoffrey Dobbs Person-Info 

( Ich bin Geoffrey Dobbs)


(1 - 4 von 28
) Elefantenpolo in Sri Lanka: Rasender Bulle Abey zerstört...

So etwas hatten die Elefantenpolospieler in Sri Lanka noch nie gesehen: Mitten in einer Partie hat ein Bulle seine Reiterin abgeworfen und ist auf dem Feld...

Rick Stein in Sri Lanka in search of recipes | The › article
· “I was swimming around Taprobane,” Geoffrey Dobbs said. “All I felt was a slight swell under me but then I noticed that I was about 20ft ...

Pamuk, Desai pull out of Sri Lanka literary festival - BBC News
· But the founder of the Galle festival Geoffrey Dobbs says the event is important as a platform for free speech.
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Vorname "Geoffrey" (1495)
Name "Dobbs" (125)
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