Cardiac im Yasni Exposé von Georg Nollert

(4959 seit 01.11.2008)


Land: Deutschland, Sprache: Deutsch
Ich biete: Hybrid Operating Room Surgical angiography Cardiac Surgery Near Infrared Spectroscopy
Georg Nollert @ Siemens Healthcare, Erlangen

5 Bilder von Georg

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Georg Nollert - Georg Nollert: CTSNET Member .
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Georg Nollert - Georg Nollert - Deutschland
Apr 10  +
Georg Nollert @ Erlangen
Feb 10  +
Georg Nollert @ Erlangen
Feb 10  +
Georg Nollert @ Erlangen
Mrz 09  +

646 Informationen zu Georg Nollert

Ungültige URL: Thieme eJournals - Artikel im Volltext

von G Nollert - 2000 - Zitiert durch: 66 - Ähnliche ArtikelPD Dr. Georg Nollert Clinic of Cardiac Surgery Clinic of Grosshadern ...
0x 13.12.10  +  

Ungültige URL: Cardiac Surgery in the Adult -- Collected Resources : Extracorporeal ...

Annals of Thoracic Surgery, European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery, Asian ... Georg Nollert, Ina Schwabenland, Deniz Maktav, Felix Kur, Frank Christ, Peter ...
0x 22.11.10  +  

Ungültige URL: Cardiac Surgery in the Adult -- Collected Resources : Cardiac - other

A Bronchogenic Cyst of the Right Ventricular Endocardium ... Joerg Sachweh, Bart Meuris, Georg Nollert, Michael Schmoeckel, Albert Schuetz, ...
0x 15.10.10  +  

Ungültige URL: Cardiac Surgery in the Adult -- Collected Resources : Congenital - cyanotic

Annals of Thoracic Surgery, European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic ... Blobner, Frauke Neff, Bruno Reichart, Eberhard F. Kochs, and Georg Nollert. J. Thorac. ...
0x 15.10.10  +  

Ungültige URL: Asian Annals -- Collected Resources : Cardiac - other

Cardiac - other. Contributing journals to this collection: Annals of Thoracic ... Joerg Sachweh, Bart Meuris, Georg Nollert, Michael Schmoeckel, Albert Schuetz, ...
0x 03.09.10  +  

Ungültige URL: Cardiac Surgery in the Adult -- Collected Resources ...

Eleanor Ngan Soo, Raimondo Ascione, Peter Wilde, and Gianni D. Angelini ... Søren B. Hansen, Katrine O. Nielsen, Hans Nygaard, Peter K. Paulsen, and J. Michael ...
0x 03.09.10  +  

Ungültige URL: Asian Annals -- Collected Resources : Cardiac - other

Left ventricular aneurysms: early and long-term results of two types of repair ... Joerg Sachweh, Bart Meuris, Georg Nollert, Michael Schmoeckel, Albert Schuetz, ...
0x 14.08.10  +  

ASA Abstracts - Abstract

Christian Stoll, MD; Markus Richter, MS; Georg Nollert, MD; Gustav Schelling, MD ... HRQL gain and life satisfaction after cardiac surgery may not be equally ...
0x 14.08.10  +  

Ungültige URL: Cardiac Surgery in the Adult -- Collected Resources : Coronary disease

Preoperative Methylene Blue Administration in Patients at High Risk for ... Martin Oberhoffer, Peter Boekstegers, Andreas Knez, Frank Christ, and Bruno Reichart ...
0x 14.08.10  +  

Ungültige URL: Cardiac Surgery in the Adult -- Collected Resources : Cardiac ...

Alexander Lembcke, Pascal M. Dohmen, Marc Dewey, Christian Klessen, Thomas Elgeti, Kay ... Turkan Tansel, Ümrah Aydogan, Dilek Yilmazbayhan, Bilge Bilgiç, Misten Demiryont, and ...
0x 14.08.10  +  

Ungültige URL: Cardiac Surgery in the Adult -- Collected Resources : Coronary disease

First Clinical Experience With the HEARTSTRING, a Device for Proximal ... Georg Nollert, Sandra Eifert, Peter Boekstegers, Bernd Wintersperger, and Bruno Reichart ...
0x 07.07.10  +  

Ungültige URL: EJCTS -- Subject Collections : Cardiac - other

Surgical epicardial left ventricular lead versus coronary sinus lead placement ... Joerg Sachweh, Bart Meuris, Georg Nollert, Michael Schmoeckel, Albert Schuetz, ...
0x 07.07.10  +  

Ungültige URL: Combination of the HEARTSTRING proximal seal system with a blower ...

Georg Nollert, MDa,*, Martin Oberhoffer, MDa, Bruno Reichart, MDa, Calin Vicol, MDa ... Address for reprints: Dr Georg Nollert, Department of Cardiac Surgery, Klinikum ...
0x 27.06.10  +  

Ungültige URL: Cardiac Surgery in the Adult -- Collected Resources ...

Annals of Thoracic Surgery, European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery, Asian Cardiovascular & Thoracic ... Shafi Mussa, Bikram P. Choudhary, and David P. Taggart ...
0x 13.06.10  +  

Ungültige URL: Cardiac Surgery in the Adult -- Collected Resources : Cardiac - other

Annals of Thoracic Surgery, European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery, Asian ... Roberto Battellini, Markus Richter, Markus Barten, Thomas Walther, Volkmar Falk, ...
0x 13.06.10  +  

CTSNet Journals -- Collected Resources : Cardiac - other

Influence of body core temperature on blood loss and transfusion ... Turkan Tansel, Ümrah Aydogan, Dilek Yilmazbayhan, Bilge Bilgiç, Misten Demiryont, and ...
0x 13.06.10  +  

Ungültige URL: Asian Annals -- Collected Resources : Cardiac - other

The complications of repeat median sternotomy in paediatrics: six ... Ingo Kaczmarek, Martin Oberhoffer, Jan Groetzner, Sabine Daebritz, and Bruno Reichart ...
0x 19.05.10  +  

Ungültige URL: Cardiac Surgery in the Adult -- Collected Resources ...

Marco Pocar, Andrea Moneta, Roberto Mattioli, and Francesco Donatelli ... Dharmendra Agrawal, Keng-Leong Ang, and Sai Prasad. Interactive CardioVascular and ...
0x 19.05.10  +  

Ungültige URL: Cardiac Surgery in the Adult -- Collected Resources : Congestive Heart ...

Gene transfection with human hepatocyte growth factor complementary ... Klatka, Penny L. Houghtaling, Ivan Vesely, Christine S. Moravec, and Patrick M. McCarthy ...
0x 19.05.10  +  

Journal of Cardiothoracic Surgery | Pre-publication history | Gene ...

Gene polymorphisms in APOE, NOS3, and LIPC genes may be risk factors for cardiac ... Sandra Eifert , Astrid Rasch , Andres Beiras-Fernandez , Georg Nollert , Bruno ...
0x 23.04.10  +  

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Georg Nollert @ Siemens Healthcare, Erlangen

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