Georg Sebald Person-Info 

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Georg Sebald -
CIO Netzwerk-Profil von Georg Sebald Georg Sebald. Job-Titel. Client Service Manager. Firma. Cisco Systems GmbH. Jetzt kostenlos Mitglied im ...

ENGLAND | Author dies in road crash - BBC News
— University professor and writer Winfried Georg Sebald has died in a road accident in Norwich. The German-born, British-based author, ... › uk_news

Guardian: WG Sebald | Books | The Guardian

— ... one of his middle names, Maximilian, to his first name - grew up in a Bavarian village, one of four children of Rosa and Georg Sebald. › dec

4.2 Die Wiederbelebung des Adam Bötticher - Stadt Augsburg
Bericht des Chirurgen Georg Sebald Eckardt über die Rettung eines Knaben vor dem Ertrinken; 18. Mai 1778; Papier, schwarze Tinte, 8 S. mit Beilagen, 18 cm ...
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Person "Sebald" (4)
Vorname "Georg" (36045)
Name "Sebald" (476)
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