George Smart Person-Info 

( Ich bin George Smart)


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GEORGE CASTLE: Twitter-gate, Part 3: 'Twas tiresome for Sox
[] - Oney Guillen may be a smart, opinionated kid cut from his father's unabashed cloth. But he's not politically savvy. If you want to suggest Williams was

GEORGE CASTLE: Manny with Ozzie would be the greatest show on Earth
[] - But he's real smart and intelligent, and he knows what he's doing. "The stuff he does on TV is for show. He has purpose behind it.

Google News: George Brett: "Clements and Other Steroid Users Will Never Make the HOF"

[Around The Horn Baseball (blog)] - Those players however were smart enough (or were smart enough to listen to some good advice) to then do some damage control and try to put the issue behind

George Burley bothered by Edgar Davids
[This is London] - The smart money says he'll never be up to the rough and tumble of the Championship. The player once known as 'pitbull' might find a few of the crossbred
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