German Camper Person-Info 

( Ich bin German Camper)


(1 - 4 von 21

EUROPE: Migration of the Hairy Legs - TIME
It is a highly important phrase, because by using it, the German camper saves the 25¢ charged by official camping grounds.

Mercedes goes camping with expanded leisure van line - Times of India
While the Sprinter has been the apple of camper van converters' eyes of late, Mercedes itself has been focusing its camper efforts more on its mid-size vans,...

German camper van somehow sleeps 7 and still fits Yahoo News UK
The German camper van can, with several added features, sleep up to seven people while still offering plenty of space for a variety of gear such ...

German tourist dies while camping at Grand Canyon | Reuters
A vacationing German tourist lost consciousness and died while camping with his wife in Arizona's Grand Canyon National Park, park officials said on Wednesday.
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