Gerry Bond Person-Info 

( Ich bin Gerry Bond)


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Großer Andrang bei Outlet-Eröffnung -
Outlets gehe es in der Krise besser als je zuvor, sagt McArthurGlen-Manager Gerry Bond. Das Wachstum sei doppelt so hoch wie vor der Krise, denn ...

Stargazers charged for using the park - Berkshire Live
Stargazers and planet watchers in Reading have nowhere to look at the sky at night, thanks to a new £46 a week charge imposed by Wokingham Borough Council.

BBC - BBC Newsline - Latest Stories - Gerry Bond takes on the Royal
BBC Newsline has learned the Royal Victoria Hospital has closed a ward in its neurosurgical department because an inspection found that it fell short of...

Guardian: Reverse the charges | | The Guardian

Letters: The charging system for mobile phones in this country is an all-too-typical example of the poor subsidising the rich
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