Gianluca Benedetti Person-Info 

( Ich bin Gianluca Benedetti)


(1 - 4 von 24

Vatileaks: EDV-Experte bekommt Bewährung
Sciarpellettis Verteidiger Gianluca Benedetti deutete schon an, dass er diesen Schritt gehen werden. Endgültig wollte er sich zunächst aber nicht äußern. dapd. 0 Kommentare; Weitere ...

Pope's ex-butler on trial for theft over Vatican leaks - CNN
Sciarpelletti was not present in court but was represented by his lawyer, Gianluca Benedetti, who declared his client's innocence. Benedetti ...

Vatican computer technician convicted in leaks scandal
VATICAN CITY — A Vatican court on Saturday convicted a Holy See computer technician of helping the former papal butler in the embarrassing leak of confidential...

Pope butler's 'helper' Claudio Sciarpelletti on trial - BBC News
Vatican computer technician Claudio Sciarpelletti goes on trial charged with helping the Pope's butler to steal confidential documents.
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