Gina Birch Person-Info 

( Ich bin Gina Birch)


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Ton & Text ǀ Anti Anger Management — der Freitag
So ziemlich das Gegenteil von politischer und musikalischer Antiaggressionstherapie: Mark Stewart und sein aktuelles Album „The Politics Of Envy“

Taz: cms-article

Auf »Micro-Chips & Fish« waren dabei: Gina Birch von den Raincoats, Lora Logic und Epic Soundtracks (Ex-Drummer der fulminanten Swell Maps).

Gina Birch of WINK radio and Jay Severson give Special Equestrian...
Gina Birch of WINK radio and Jay Severson give Special Equestrian event added flair. Celebrity emcee Gina Birch of WINK-FM and auctioneer Jay Severson will do their best to motivate guests to bid high and bid often at Special Equestrians' major fundraiser, Taste of Love 8 - An Epicurean Journey on February 20.

Gina Birch at LATE, Modern Art Oxford | Oxford Mail
One does not expect to hear live punk music at Modern Art Oxford where, despite the varied and challenging nature of the exhibitions, there is…
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