Festival im Yasni Exposé von Giorgi Issakadze

(51209 seit 09.10.2009)


Land: Deutschland, Telefon: +49 841 12133207, Handy: +49 176 202 562 16, Messenger: Skype: giorgi_issakadze, E-Mail: issakadze (at) yahoo.de, Sprache: Deutsch
Ich biete: Internationale Festivals Reisen Musiker, Musiklehrer, Musikschule, Klavierlehrer, Klavierunterricht, Musikunterricht Ingolstadt, Musikunterricht, Musikschule Ingolstadt, Klavier, Klavierunterricht Ingolstadt, Musikschule Issakadze Ingolstadt, Konzert, Konzerte, Festival, Open Air, Reise, Reisen, Georgischer Wein, SpirituosReiseziele, Batumi, Gesang, Klassische Musik, Johann Sebastian Bach, Franz Joseph Haydn, Klassik, Symphonie, Sinfonie, Sonate, Klaviersonate, Jazz, Sing- und Musikschule, Piano, Flügel, Pianohaus, Violine, Gesangunterricht, Gesangsunterricht, Gitarre, Chor, Chorleiter, Ballettschule, Balletunterricht, Ballett, Ballett Ingolstadt, Ballettschule Ingolstadt, Duett, Repertoire, Tanzschule, Tanz, Yoga, Autogenes Training Ingolstadt, Tanz-Modern, Hip-Hop, Breakdance, Sport, Gesundheit, Seminare, Georgien, Georgienreise, Import, Export, Reisen, Tbilisi, Tiflis, Konzertagentur Issakadze
Giorgi Issakadze @ Musik- und Tanzakademie Issakadze & Luka, Ingolstadt

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Giorgi Issakadze @ Ingolstadt
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Giorgi Issakadze @ Ingolstadt
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Giorgi Issakadze @ Ingolstadt
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Giorgi Issakadze @ Ingolstadt
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Giorgi Issakadze @ Ingolstadt
Okt 21  +
Giorgi Issakadze @ Ingolstadt
Okt 21  +

1096 Informationen zu Giorgi Issakadze

International Festival Night Serenades 2021 on 1tvscena.ge

"1tvscena.ge" the company “Art Alliance” with the support of the Ministry of Culture, Sport and Youth of Georgia, the Tbilisi City Hall and the German Embassy will present the final concert of the Batumi-Tbilisi International Festival “Night Serenades”. Artistic Director Giorgi Issakadze (Isakadze). Participants of the festival are the festival base orchestra “Georgian Virtuosi”, conductor Vakhtang Matchavariani, soloists Sabine Grofmeier and Sandro Nebieridze.
Giorgi Issakadze @ Ingolstadt
youtube.com 02.12.21  +  

The Messenger / Interview with Artistic Director Giorgi Issakadze

Highlights from Night Serenades — Classical Music Festival: Interview with Artistic Director Giorgi Issakadze Foto: Artistic Director Giorgi Issakadze and German Ambassador to Georgia Hubert Knirsch discussing Abkhazia and the festival’s future. BY MARIAM Mari Chanishvili With the support of the Ministry of Culture, Sport and Youth of Georgia and Tbilisi City Hall, the final concert of the Batumi–Tbilisi XIII International Festival Night Serenades took place at the Tbilisi V. Sarajishvili Conservatoire Grand Hall on November 21. The concert program featured Sandro Nebieridze – premiere of Fantasy on Zakaria Paliashvili Opera Themes (piece dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the composer), Vakhtang Matchavariani – Dedication to Ludwig Van B for Strings, Timpani and Piano - premiere - (based on themes of Beethoven’s nine symphonies), Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart – Clarinet Concerto for Strings in A Major, K. 622. The annual festival featured orchestras and musical artists performing shows, including Orchestra Georgian Virtuosi conductor Vakhtang Matchavariani, Sabine Grofmeier – clarinet (Germany), Sandro Nebieridze – piano. The clarinetist Sabine Grofmeier is one of the most outstanding and diverse artists of her generation. Her warm tone, her gripping musicality, and expressiveness, her confident mastery of the technical means inspire every audience. Sabine Grofmeier is the recipient of numerous sponsorship awards and grants. The festival was founded by the great Georgian violinist and conductor Liana Isakadze in 1982 in Bichvinta, Abkhazia, Georgia. Back then, the festival was held in the wonderful nature of Bichvinta, accompanied by the organ in the Bichvinta church – all of this created a special mood and atmosphere. The Messenger had a chance to interview the artistic director of the festival, Giorgi Issakadze, who thanked the sponsors and supporters of the festival. The festival is supported by the Ministry of Culture, Sport and Youth of Georgia; Tbilisi City Hall; Batumi City Hall; the Ministry of Education, Sport, and Culture of Adjara; The Embassies of Italy and Germany in Georgia; The festival was organized by the company - Art Alliance, officially insured by Ardi. Giorgi Issakadze founded Isakadze Music School (Musikschule Issakadze) in 1999. Liana Isakadze is the Honorary Artistic Director. In 2006, he also funded the Academy of Music and Dance in Ingolstadt (Musik- und Tanzakademie Issakadze & Lukashevich). In 2017 Academy of Music and Ballet (Musik- und Ballettakademie Issakadze & Bejuashvili) opened in Munich. The idea of the Music & Dance Academy with a wide range of events arose above all from the endeavor to give children (but also their parents) a wide range of opportunities for self-development. - Tell us about this year’s festival and the challenges you’ve encountered. -This year’s festival has been a great success. Even though we had a lot of trouble inviting the artists from different countries and taking into consideration all the COVID regulations, we managed to finalize the festival successfully. We had to postpone and change dates twice of the concert taking place in Tbilisi. Last year, we conducted the festival online and more than 20 000 people saw the live broadcast, including international and Georgian people. I am very thrilled that this traditional festival continues its successful existence. As you know, the festival was founded in Bichvinta (Abkhazia) in 1982. Liana’s major desire was to bring back the festival to its initial location – to Bichvinta. We hope to be able to do so. I am very thankful for our supporters and sponsors. At the end of the concert, with the initiative of the German Ambassador to Georgia Hubert Knirsch, I had a chance to have a talk with him about a very painful topic of Abkhazia and the festival’s future. Hubert Knirsch noted that this issue is of utmost importance for our German partners. - It is well-known to us, that various pieces have been created for the festival throughout the years. Which pieces premiered in 2021? - Indeed, several compositions and pieces have been created for the festival throughout the years (by Giorgi Shaverzashvili, Sandro Nebieridze, and others). This year, the premiere of Sandro Nebieridze’s - Fantasy on Zakaria Paliashvili Opera Themes took place on November 21. The theme was created especially for the festival, by my request. Great composer and conductor, Vakhtang Matchavariani’s - Dedication to Ludwig Van B for String was performed for the 1st time. It can be considered as a kaleidoscope of Beethoven’s all nine symphonies, a modern conversation with Beethoven. Maestro Nikoloz Rachveli’s piece was premiered live in Batumi, performed by Mario Stefano Pietrodarchi. The concert was finalized by this piece, dedicated to the Italian people and Mario Stefano Pietrodarchi. Singer Sopho Khalvashi also performed at the concert held in Batumi. Nikoloz Rachveli highlighted that regardless of the tough pandemic reality, this year’s festival was held successfully. He mentioned that this festival is very special to him because it is connected to Abkhazia. -As you mentioned, due to COVID-19, it has been difficult to invite international artists, but you still managed to. Tell us about these artists. - Sabine Grofmeier, one of the world’s famous and amazing clarinetists, performed in Tbilisi. She performed Mozart’s concert and other interesting pieces. As soon as one hears her playing, one can recognize the European sound. The Western school of woodwind instruments is very different from the Russian school, which is connected to Georgia as well. The Western traditional sound is refined, exquisite, and subtle. Mario Stefano Pietrodarchi is a phenomenal Italian accordion and bandoneon player. Pietrodarchi has given concerts all over the world, including across Europe as well as in Canada, China, and Korea. He was also a guest at festivals such as the 2006 Montreal Jazz Festival and 2008 the Sanremo Festival. As mentioned above, Mario Stefano Pietrodarchi performed along with Nikoloz Rachveli; as usual, he astonished the audience, as if his sounds were from another universe. -What were the festival’s innovations and special activities in 2021? - This year, we have expanded our activities, by offering Georgian students and schoolchildren a vast educational program. A master class was held on November 2, where artist-designer Nino Mirianashvili visited the children with disabilities (18-25). Bridge beneficiaries were taught collage techniques. On November 10, a master class of the wind instrument orchestra was held by Giorgi Shaverzashvili, Professor of Tbilisi State Conservatory and the Chairman of the Composers’ Union. Masterclasses were led by Vakhtang Matchavariani, Sabine Grofmeier, Mario Stefano Pietrodarchi, Giorgi Shaverzashvili, and Nino Khutsishvili.
Giorgi Issakadze @ Ingolstadt
messenger.com.ge 01.12.21  +  

Official website of the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia / Batumi-Tbilisi XII International Festival - "Night Serenades"

A press conference dedicated to the festival - "Night Serenades" was held at the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia. Nana Dolidze, Head of the Culture Department of the Ministry, spoke about the concerts and interesting news planned within the framework of the festival. Maka Nasrashvili, Deputy Head of the Culture, Education, Sport and Youth Service of Tbilisi City Hall, Nina Tsagareli, Director of the Festival and Vakhtang Machavariani, Chief Conductor of the Festival also spoke during the press conference. The 12th Batumi-Tbilisi International Festival – “Night Serenades" will be held in a different format this year, considering the regulations caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The festival will traditionally open in Batumi on August 27, on the big stage of the Ilia Chavchavadze Professional State Drama Theater of Batumi. The concert evening is dedicated to the 95th anniversary of the famous Georgian composer and teacher - Sulkhan Tsintsadze. Laureate of national and international competitions Tamar Licheli (piano) will take part in the concert together with Gia Kancheli String Quartet. Concerts will be held on September 2 through September 4 in Tbilisi, within which, the orchestra “Georgian Virtuosos” created by Liana Isakadze will perform. It should be noted that within the framework of this year's festival, the premiere performance of a classic work created by 3 Georgian composers will be held: 1. Concert of Sandro Nebieridze - specially for the 12th Batumi-Tbilisi Festival "Night Serenades", the work created by the order of the artistic director of the festival Giorgi Isakadze - "Concerto for Piano N2 and String Orchestra". 2. Giorgi Shaverzashvili's "Concerto for Piano and Chamber Orchestra N4", which was created by the author by the order of the festival's chief conductor Vakhtang Machavariani and dedicated to his daughter. 3. Jimsher Chkhaidze's work "Sentiments" for chamber orchestra and harp, whose international premiere took place in Germany in 2011. The festival celebrates the 95th anniversary of the famous Georgian composer and teacher, Sulkhan Tsintsadze and the 250th anniversary of the composer Ludwig van Beethoven. The international festival "Night Serenades" was established in 1982 in Abkhazia by the initiative of the famous Georgian violinist and conductor, Liana Isakadze. Due to the tragic events of 1991, the festival ceased to exist and only 18 years later, in 2009, in the beautiful Black Sea city of Batumi, it became possible to restore it. The founder of the festival: Liana Isakadze, the artistic director: Giorgi Issakadze. The main conductor of the festival: Maestro Vakhtang Machavariani, the director of the festival: Nina Tsagareli. Supporters of the XII Batumi-Tbilisi International Festival "Night Serenades" are: Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia, Batumi City Hall, Tbilisi City Hall, Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara. The event is organized by the company "Art Alliance". The official insurer of the festival is the company "Ardi". Partners: German Embassy, ​​Batumi Ilia Chavchavadze Drama Theater; LTD. "PSP"; Wine Company "Georgian Unique Wine"; LTD. "Sarajishvili"; Perfume store chain "Lutecia", "Aromateka". Media supporters of the project: Adjara Television; First Channel of Georgia; TV Imedi; TV First; Artarea; News Agency "Pia.ge"; News.GE; News Agency "Prime-Time"; News Agency "GHN", Internet Media Group - "ITV", "droni.ge" and "presa.ge", English-language newspaper "Georgia Today"; English-language daily "Messenger"; Georgian Press; Video portal "Myvideo.ge"; Magazine "Mirror"; Newspaper "Adjara"; Radio "Fortuna" and the portal fortuna.ge.
Giorgi Issakadze @ Ingolstadt
mes.gov.ge 29.11.21  +  

The Messenger Online / International Festival Night Serenades 2021

On November 21, within the frame work of the Batumi-Tbilisi International Festival Night Serenades, the concluding concert of the festival was held at Tbilisi State Conservatoire Grand Hall. The participants of the concert were the festival’s basic orchestra Georgian Virtuosana, Maestro Vakhtang Matchavariani, and soloists – Sabine Grofmeier and Sandro Nebieridze. The event was attended by the representatives of state institutions, the diplomatic corps, and music lovers. According to the artistic director of the festival Giorgi Issakadze, this year’s festival hosted two of the greatest instrumentalist musicians of modern times – Italian bandoneon artist Mario Stefano Pietrodarchi and German clarinetist Sabine Grofmeier. Mario Stefano Pietrodarchi, together with the Principal Conductor of the Georgia National Symphony Orchestra Nikoloz Rachveliand Georgian musician Sopho Khalvashi, fascinated the public at the opening concert in Batumi. Issakadze pointed out that for the last few years the festival has been paying special attention to the works of classical music created by Georgian composers. He also stressed that the educational program held within the framework of the festival lasted for two months this year. The sectoral masterclasses and workshops delivered to students were led by renowned musicians, including Sabine Grofmeier, Vakhtang Matchavariani, Mario Stefano Pietrodarchi, and Giorgi Shaverzashvili. According to Nina Tsagareli, the Director of the Festival Night’s Serenades, the opening concert of the 13th International Festival was held in Batumi and after two months of conducting various field masterclasses, the concluding concert of the festival was held at Tbilisi State Conservatoire Grand Hall. Tsagareli thanked the partners, supporters, all the listeners, and the team of the festival. “I am very glad that despite the pandemic, music lovers were given the opportunity to share the celebration of art” she noted. Traditionally, the festival had several premieres, including the composition of Maestro Vakhtang Matchavariani dedicated to Ludwig van Beethoven, Nikoloz Rachveli’s ‘Piece to Italian People’ and Sandro Nebieridze’s fantasia on the themes of Paliashvili’s opera. Renowned clarinetist Sabine Grofmeier performed the masterpieces of Mozart at the final concert in Tbilisi. She stressed that the festival associated with the name of Liana Issakadze is very important and thanked the team of the Night Serenades for the invitation. Grofmeier also expressed her admiration for the basic festival orchestra “Georgian Virtuosana”. “I would especially like to thank the outstanding Georgian listeners,” the German clarinetist noted. Young pianist and composer Sandro Nebieridze also took part in the concluding concert and performed a fantasia, created especially at the request of Giorgi Isakadze on the themes of Paliashvili’s opera. According to Nebieridze, he has been working with the festival for four years and every year the Night Serenades become more and more important. “This year the festival was fantastic, it was special,” he noted. The international festival Night Serenades was founded in 1982 in Georgia’s north-western region of Abkhazia by renowned Georgian violinist and conductor Liana Issakadze. The festival was taking place annually in Bichvinta and was visited by renowned musicians from the Soviet Union as well as from abroad, including Alfred Schnittke, Kurt Masur, Gidon Kremer, and others. In 1991, following the armed conflict, the festival stopped existing, however, 18 years later, in 2009, Night Serenades was brought back to the Georgian seaside town of Batumi, continuing the traditions of Bichvinta’s Festival. Due to the wide popularity of the festival throughout the years, Tbilisi City Council decided in 2015 to change its name to Batumi-Tbilisi International Festival. The basic team of the Festival is the chamber orchestra “Virtuosi”, founded by Liana Issakadze in 2011. The orchestra is staffed with talented young Georgian musicians working abroad and in Georgia. The artistic director of the festival is Giorgi Issakadze, the director of the festival is Nina Tsagareli, and the chief conductor is Maestro Vakhtang Matchavariani. The event is organized by the company ‘Art Alliance.’ The festival Night Serenades is supported by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Youth of Georgia, Tbilisi and Batumi city halls, Ministry of Culture, Education and Sports of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara, and embassies of Italy and Germany. The official insurer of the festival is the company ‘Ardi.’
Giorgi Issakadze @ Ingolstadt
messenger.com.ge 27.11.21  +  

The Messenger / International Festival Night Serenades 2021

On November 21, within the frame work of the Batumi-Tbilisi International Festival Night Serenades, the concluding concert of the festival was held at Tbilisi State Conservatoire Grand Hall. The participants of the concert were the festival’s basic orchestra Georgian Virtuosana, Maestro Vakhtang Matchavariani, and soloists – Sabine Grofmeier and Sandro Nebieridze. The event was attended by the representatives of state institutions, the diplomatic corps, and music lovers. According to the artistic director of the festival Giorgi Issakadze, this year’s festival hosted two of the greatest instrumentalist musicians of modern times – Italian bandoneon artist Mario Stefano Pietrodarchi and German clarinetist Sabine Grofmeier. Mario Stefano Pietrodarchi, together with the Principal Conductor of the Georgia National Symphony Orchestra Nikoloz Rachveliand Georgian musician Sopho Khalvashi, fascinated the public at the opening concert in Batumi. Issakadze pointed out that for the last few years the festival has been paying special attention to the works of classical music created by Georgian composers. He also stressed that the educational program held within the framework of the festival lasted for two months this year. The sectoral masterclasses and workshops delivered to students were led by renowned musicians, including Sabine Grofmeier, Vakhtang Matchavariani, Mario Stefano Pietrodarchi, and Giorgi Shaverzashvili. According to Nina Tsagareli, the Director of the Festival Night’s Serenades, the opening concert of the 13th International Festival was held in Batumi and after two months of conducting various field masterclasses, the concluding concert of the festival was held at Tbilisi State Conservatoire Grand Hall. Tsagareli thanked the partners, supporters, all the listeners, and the team of the festival. “I am very glad that despite the pandemic, music lovers were given the opportunity to share the celebration of art” she noted. Traditionally, the festival had several premieres, including the composition of Maestro Vakhtang Matchavariani dedicated to Ludwig van Beethoven, Nikoloz Rachveli’s ‘Piece to Italian People’ and Sandro Nebieridze’s fantasia on the themes of Paliashvili’s opera. Renowned clarinetist Sabine Grofmeier performed the masterpieces of Mozart at the final concert in Tbilisi. She stressed that the festival associated with the name of Liana Issakadze is very important and thanked the team of the Night Serenades for the invitation. Grofmeier also expressed her admiration for the basic festival orchestra “Georgian Virtuosana”. “I would especially like to thank the outstanding Georgian listeners,” the German clarinetist noted. Young pianist and composer Sandro Nebieridze also took part in the concluding concert and performed a fantasia, created especially at the request of Giorgi Isakadze on the themes of Paliashvili’s opera. According to Nebieridze, he has been working with the festival for four years and every year the Night Serenades become more and more important. “This year the festival was fantastic, it was special,” he noted. The international festival Night Serenades was founded in 1982 in Georgia’s north-western region of Abkhazia by renowned Georgian violinist and conductor Liana Issakadze. The festival was taking place annually in Bichvinta and was visited by renowned musicians from the Soviet Union as well as from abroad, including Alfred Schnittke, Kurt Masur, Gidon Kremer, and others. In 1991, following the armed conflict, the festival stopped existing, however, 18 years later, in 2009, Night Serenades was brought back to the Georgian seaside town of Batumi, continuing the traditions of Bichvinta’s Festival. Due to the wide popularity of the festival throughout the years, Tbilisi City Council decided in 2015 to change its name to Batumi-Tbilisi International Festival. The basic team of the Festival is the chamber orchestra “Virtuosi”, founded by Liana Issakadze in 2011. The orchestra is staffed with talented young Georgian musicians working abroad and in Georgia. The artistic director of the festival is Giorgi Issakadze, the director of the festival is Nina Tsagareli, and the chief conductor is Maestro Vakhtang Matchavariani. The event is organized by the company ‘Art Alliance.’ The festival Night Serenades is supported by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Youth of Georgia, Tbilisi and Batumi city halls, Ministry of Culture, Education and Sports of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara, and embassies of Italy and Germany. The official insurer of the festival is the company ‘Ardi.’
Giorgi Issakadze @ Ingolstadt
facebook.com 27.11.21  +  

Facebook-Profil von Giorgi Issakadze

H.E. Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany to Georgia,Hubert Knirsch addressing participants, organizers and audience of the festival “Night Serenades”. The organizing team of the festival "Night Serenades" would like to thank the Embassy of Germany for its fruitful cooperation and support. Also, the festival is supported by Ministry of Culture, Sport and Youth of Georgia; Batumi City Hall; Tbilisi City Hall; Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara; Embassy of Italy. The official insurer of the festival is the company "Ardi". The organizer of the festival is the company "Art-Alliance".
Giorgi Issakadze @ Ingolstadt
facebook.com 25.11.21  +  

Mario Stefano Pietrodarchi (Bandoneon) - Night Serenades 2021

The ingenious bandoneonist Mario Stefano Pietrodarchi at the XIV International Festival Night Serenades 2021
Giorgi Issakadze @ Ingolstadt
facebook.com 21.10.21  +  

International Festival of Classical Music "Night Serenades - Batumi / Tbilisi"

The tradition of holding International music festivals in Georgia goes to the 80ies of the XX century. Its initiator was renowned Georgian violinist and conductor Liana Isakadze. In 1982 she was the first who founded the International Festival “Night Serenades” in one of the most beautiful parts of Georgia – Abkhazia. This festival was taking place in Bichvinta and gained great success. The festival, which had been held in Bichvinta on the basis of State Chamber Orchestra of Georgia, was annually visited by renowned musicians from the Soviet Union as well as from abroad. Among them was Alfred Schnittke, Kurt Masur, Gidon Kremer. Unfortunately, in 1991 the festival stopped its existence. 18 years later, in 2009, by the support of Batumi City Hall, at first-hand by vice mayor Natia Surguladze, International Festival was revived in one of the most beautiful cities of the Black Sea area, Batumi, whose initiator was Liana Isakadze- an unchanged Art Director of the festival. The Batumi Festival, under the name of “Night Serenades”, proudly continues wonderful traditions of Bichvinta’s Festival and is held in Batumi. Since 2018 the festival has been led by musicians and music educators Giorgi Issakadze as artistic director. Interestingly, on III International Festival Liana Isakadze presented her new idea. She had united all those famous musicians and founded chamber orchestra “Virtuosi”, which became the basic team of the Festival. The author of the festival logotype is Liana Isakadze.
Giorgi Issakadze @ Ingolstadt
facebook.com 21.10.21  +  

International festival Night Serenades / Internationales Festival Night Serenades

🎻🎼Künstlerischer Leiter des internationalen Festivals" Nicht Serenades" Giorgi Issakadze zu Gast bei Radio "Fortuna".🎧📻👇 🎻🎼ფესტივალის"ღამის სერენადები" სამხატვრო ხელმძღვანელი,მუსიკოსი გიორგი ისაკაძე რადიო"ფორტუნას" სტუმრობდა .🎧📻
Giorgi Issakadze @ Ingolstadt
fortuna.ge 21.10.21  +  

International music Festival Night Serenades Batumi - Tbilissi 2020 Pressekonferenz

Established musical artists and young talent will be given the space delighting listeners for this year's 'Night Serenades' festival marking anniversaries for two great composers, with the 2020 edition of the event moving to televised and livestreamed format due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Giorgi Issakadze @ Ingolstadt
agenda.ge 24.08.20  +  


Giorgi Issakadze @ Ingolstadt
facebook.com 21.08.20  +  

Das 1. öffentliche Fernsehen Georgien Interview mit dem Künstlerischen Leiter des Internationalen Musikfestivals Night Serenades 2020 Giorgi Issakadze

Auf YouTube findest du großartige Videos und erstklassige Musik. Außerdem kannst du eigene Inhalte hochladen und mit Freunden oder mit der ganzen Welt teilen.
Giorgi Issakadze @ Ingolstadt
m.youtube.com 07.08.20  +  

Life Schalte mit dem Künstlerischen Leiter des Internationalen Musikfestivals Night Serenades,

ART ექსპერტი / ART Expert war live.
Giorgi Issakadze @ Ingolstadt
facebook.com 31.07.20  +  

The Messenger - Night Serenades starts in Batumi

Giorgi Issakadze @ Ingolstadt
messenger.com.ge 01.09.19  +  


✨International Festival “Night Serenades, led by its Artistic Directors Liana Issakadze and Giorgi Issakadze.
Giorgi Issakadze @ Ingolstadt
facebook.com 07.07.19  +  

The International Festival of Classical Music Night 2019 Serenades Batumi / Tbilisi

ღამის სერენადები / Night Serenades. Gefällt 1.709 Mal · 140 Personen sprechen darüber. ბათუმი-თბილისის საერთაშორისო ფესტივალი "ღამის სერენადები"...
Giorgi Issakadze @ Ingolstadt
facebook.com 28.06.19  +  

The International Festival of Classical Music Night 2019 Serenades Batumi / Tbilisi

106,9 FM FORTUNA Georgien Interview with the artistic director of the festival Giorgi Issakadze
Giorgi Issakadze @ Ingolstadt
fortuna.ge 28.06.19  +  

5th International Open Air Festival „Night Serenades” / 3 International Festival of „Friends of Facebook“

Dear Friends! We invite You to the 5th International Open Air Festival „Night Serenades”, that will be kept ad a historical stronghold Gonio by Batumi (Georgia) and to the 3 International Festival of „Friends of Facebook“ in Batumi. Both festivals will proceed from 24th to 31th of August. Art director of the festivals is Liana Isakadze.The main orchestra of the festival „Night Serenades” is ensemble - orchestra „Virtuosi of Facebook“, that was founded by Liana Isakadze in 2011 and encompasses outstanding young musicians of the world. This year in festival will take part such famous soloists and conductors as Justus Frantz, Jan-Erik Gustafsson und Thomas Rösner, Alexei Lubimov, Jano Mertanen, Liana Isakadze, David Oistrach Quartet. After successful I. and II. festivals of the „Friends of Facebook“ in 2011 and 2012, at the present festival of 2013 , we shall again give opportunity to our friends from facebook to demonstrate their accomplishments in different realms of art and particularly in music. This festival in past had attracted such outstanding musicians as Andrei Baranov, Alisa Margulis, Tata Licheli, Shorena Tsintsabadze, Artur Nasiulin, Arseni Chubachin, ensemble „Diabolo“ (France), ensemble „Elesa“ (Georgia), Georgian sextet „Spirit of Georgia“. This year we shall stage a special concert for the promising young students of music. Your application for taking part in this festival we hope will be made in time and addressed to Giorgi Issakadze (General Manager) by E-mail - issakadze@yahoo.de
Giorgi Issakadze @ Ingolstadt
data8.blog.de 17.04.13  +  

5. Open-Air-Festival „Night Serenades“ / III. internationales Festival „Friends of Facebook“

Liebe Freunde! Wieder einmal rufen wir zum jährlichen internationalen - diesmal dem fünften - Open-Air-Festival „Night Serenades“ in Gonio (bei Batumi) sowie bereits dem III. internationalen Festival „Friends of Facebook“ in Batumi (Georgien). Unter der künstlerischen Leitung von Liana Isakadze finden die beiden Festivals zeitgleich statt - vom 24. bis einschließlich 31. August 2013. Auch dieses Jahr werden die „Night Serenades“ durchgehend vom Ensemble-Orchester „Virtuozi of Facebook“ als Basis-Klangkörper mitgestaltet. Das international besetzte Ensemble aus weltberühmten Musikern wurde von Liana Isakadze im Jahre 2011 ins Leben gerufen. Das Programm des Festivals wartet wie gewohnt mit prominenten Solisten- sowie Dirigentennamen auf, wie u. a. Justus Franz, Jan-Erik Gustafsson und Thomas Rösner. Nach einem erfreulichen Auftakt des I. und des II. Festivals „Friends of Facebook“ in Batumi 2011 und 2012 erhalten die Mitglieder unserer Facebookgruppe auch diesmal die Möglichkeit ihr Können auf verschiedensten Gebieten der Musik und Kunst zu präsentieren oder aber als Besucher unserer Festivals hochinteressante Konzerte und Veranstaltungen zu erleben und sich im wunderschönen Batumi mit und in der Kunst zu erholen. Eine Besonderheit des diesjährigen Festivals „Friends of Facebook“ ist die Veranstaltung „Junge Begabungen“. Hierbei laden wir junge Instrumentalisten ein, an unserem Festival teilzunehmen. Eine Bewerbung muß rechtzeitig an die untenstehende elektronische Adresse eingesandt werden. Bitte vergessen Sie nicht, daß derzeit eine frühzeitige Hotelbuchung sowie Flugticketreservierungen saisonabhängig sehr günstig sind. Sollten Sie hierbei unsere Hilfe gebrauchen, so werden wir Ihnen gerne mit Rat und Tat zur Seite stehen. Die Organisatoren der Festivals halten für Sie attraktive Angebote bereit. Von Hotelzimmerbuchungen bis zur Flugticketreservierung. Interessenten werden gebeten ihre Anmeldungen möglichst frühzeitig an die elektronische Adresse issakadze@yahoo.de (Giorgi Issakadze) einzusenden. Einsendeschluß - 1. Juli 2013 Einige Highlights aus den Festivals des vergangenen Jahres haben wir für Sie im nachfolgenden Beitrag zusammengestellt.
Giorgi Issakadze @ Ingolstadt
data8.blog.de 09.04.13  +  

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